Its New, its Next, but most importantly, its Now. God, I sound a spokeswoman for Target. "And its available right now at a Target near you! Come quickly before its all gone! Hello, and Goodbuy!" New Next Now is the latest GO International for Target Collection. And it is sassy. Of course I always have to talk about all the fabulous pieces, specifically the one I have. I went straight to target and bought this brilliant, even though it goes against my laws of being, FLORAL skirt. Well, to be honest in this picture, it doesn't look that brilliant, not with the shirt tucked in anyway. Actually, just tell me right now if I'm wrong, but doesn't it look kinda, oh I don't know... like gossip girl ran out of money and cast members, but still wanted to keep the show going, so they just tuck in a shirt and say its schoolgirl chic??? Oh

god, if only the shirt wasn't tucked in it would be a lovely skirt. I guess I love their skirts, because I'm gonna babble about another one now. This one is way more formal and I would almost definitely never wear it, but I have to admit, its kind of, well, ah-dorable! I love love love the way the ruffles aren't parallel. Anyway, later I will have a cast list on my blog... no not for a performance silly.... FOR PROJECT RUNWAY!!!!
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